Summer Camp 2019
Dance Around The World
Summer is just around the corner!
Register today for our weekly themed Summer Camp, filled with fun and exciting activities.
In addition, to our weekly themes, our children will experience plenty of outdoor activities,
including soccer at the park, picnics, and so much more...
Programs Offered:
Full Day - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Half Day - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Drop-Ins for both Full Time and Half Time
Typical Day of Summer Camp:
Free Play - Socializing with peers in the classroom, while exploring different stations.
Meal Time - Socializing with peers while enjoying nutritious food and learning table manners.
Outdoor Time - Socializing with peers while exploring nature and playing in the local parks.
Special Projects - Socializing with peers while exploring hands on activities.
Rest Time - Individualized time where children will take some time to rest and relax.
Specials - Socializing time with specialty vendors to master different skills in all of the developmental areas.
What's Included In Tuition:
Pizza on Mondays
Field Trips
10% Sibling
10% when you register for